Your house is now party central! You have a great plan for a pergola or covered outdoor entertaining space & it’s finally time to set the wheels in motion!
This type of construction requires a Building Permit so the first thing to do is get your pergola plans drafted. You’ll find most drafting & architectural firms can fit them in around their big jobs and it will set you back $1,000 to $1,500. Or by using a specialist like Permit Plans it will cost you less than $600.
Pergola plans should accurately communicate the overall size, shape and location of the pergola. They will contain general specifications with references to the building regulations.
The ‘layout’ will show all the pergola beams, rafters, purlins & posts. It will contain all the dimensions of length & width, post spacing, etc. The pergola plan should also present a specification nominating all the beam sizes, post sizes & preferred methods of connection.
The ‘elevations’ are drawn on the pergola plans to show side views with height dimensions. They will provide information about the roof pitch & usually have a note about the type of roof sheets to be fitted.
The remaining drawing required for your pergola plans is the ‘site plan’. This is a drawing of your property boundaries, the position of your house with relative setback measurements from boundaries & the location of the “proposed” pergola to be constructed. It will also provide relevant information about any adjacent properties.
A completed set of pergola plans will show the layout, elevations and site location necessary to communicate exactly what will be built. The drawings will be done to scales of 1:100 with the site plan usually drawn at a scale of 1:200.
The Building Surveyor assessing the permit approval will look to see if the registration number of your draftsman or builder is visible on your plans. Pergola plans will also identify the property owner, the address and the North orientation.
There you have it. Party central will soon have that great look to match that great company you keep! A great set of pergola plans will give your ideas wings!